What a long way we have come since the birth of Insertech Angus in 1998, under the name Cifer Angus, in the wake of the Technopôle Angus development project! The Société de Développement Angus and the CDEC Rosemont-Petite-Patrie partnered with Collège de Rosemont and the Commission scolaire de Montréal to set up a new resource for the social and economic integration of young adults in difficulty.


Que de chemin parcouru depuis la naissance d’Insertech Angus en 1998, sous le nom Cifer Angus, dans la foulée du projet de développement du Technopôle Angus! La Société de Développement Angus et la CDEC Rosemont–Petite-Patrie s’étaient alors associées au Collège de Rosemont et à la Commission scolaire de Montréal pour mettre en place une nouvelle ressource d’intégration sociale et économique de jeunes adultes en difficulté.

Today, the small insertion organization has grown. Insertech continues to collect computers, refurbish them and resell them at a low cost to citizens and social organizations. However, its economic activities have evolved, becoming much more technological while increasing its environmental concerns. The training program has been improved to take into account the needs of young people, new tasks in the company and changes in the labour market.

Insertech’s recipe for success remains the same: its commitment to reconciling economic development, social development and environmental protection in all aspects of its activities, in a true spirit of sustainable development!


Start of activities under the name of CIFER Angus


Move to the Technopôle Angus


CIFER Angus becomes Insertech Angus


Membership in the Collectif des entreprises d’insertion du Québec


Recognition as an insertion enterprise by Emploi-Québec


Set up of a couter for sales to the public


Start of the technical repair service


ESTim Award in Social Economy from the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de l’Est de l’Île de Montréal


Opening of the Insertech shop


Inspiration Award presented by CDEC Rosemont-Petite-Patrie


Start of the training service to the public


Phénix de l’environnement Award in waste management


Attestation ICI on recycle, niveau 3 Performance


Start of field technical services for SMEs and organizations


Carbon neutral assessment and implementation of an environmental management system


Obtaining ISO 14001:2004 certification (now updated to ISO 14001:2015)


Compliance with the Electronics Product Stewardship Canada standard


Collaboration in a life cycle environmental and social analysis


Launch of “DÉDUIRre”, the computer equipment disposal service for companies


Montreal Social Economy Award – International Outreach Category


Award from the Gala de reconnaissance en environnement et en développement durable de Montréal


Novae 2012 – Concours québécois en écoconception Prize – Small Business category


Winner of the Génie de l’économie sociale 2012 competition


Reconditioner certified by the Recyclers Qualification Office (RQO), according to the ERRS 2012 standard, approved by EPRA-Quebec


New corporate image


Launch of the online store


Launch of the environmental awareness campaign “Refurbish is good for everyone! »


Novae Prize for Corporate Citizenship 2014, in the Business Strategy category, to reward our global approach to sustainable development in IT


2014 Green CEO Award won by Agnes Beaulieu in the Small Business category


1st Réparothon Insertech


Certification ISO 14001 : 2015


Relocation to 4820 Molson and opening of the Computer Services Centre for the community

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