
Online Support

39.95 $

Rated: 0/5

39.95$ fixed rate for the first 30 minutes, then $1.35 per minute.
Net prices, no labour tax.

For customers of our online store:
This service is FREE only for computers under Insertech warranty.

Book an appointment with an online support agent

Call 1-855-346-2842 toll-free number
Payment by phone (Visa / Mastercard)

Download the remote support software
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  • Description


To save you a visit to our repair shop, one of our technicians can remotely connect to your computer.

Free preliminary diagnosis
Describe your problem to the online technical support agent

Affordable rate
$39.95 flat rate for the first 30 minutes, then $1.35 per additional minute (net price, no tax)

Payment is secure, and you retain control over the remote login session. The remote technical support agent can only take control of your computer when the software is running and you authorize access.

The agent controls your keyboard and mouse for as long as you allow him to. You can interrupt the session at any time; you have priority over your mouse and keyboard.

If at any time you wish to cancel the session, just close the window. The session will end immediately and the agent will no longer be able to control your computer.

Download the remote support software
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