By buying a refurbished device from Insertech, you pay much less than new equipment of equivalent quality, and you support our social and environmental mission.

Our computers, monitors, smartphones and other refurbished devices come from large companies such as STM, Énergir and financial institutions. They are more robust, more durable, more repairable and of better quality than many consumer devices sold in department stores, and will last longer for you.

Advantages of Insertech's refurbished equipment

Corporate equipment, with warranty

Net prices, no taxes*

Genuine licenses

Support to our social mission

Sustainable consumption

Fight against obsolescence

* GST and QST do not apply to our refurbished used products, technical services and computer courses because Insertech Angus is a charitable organization recognized by the Canada Revenue Agency. However, our new products are taxable.

Insertech is a member of the Microsoft® Refurbisher program. It gives you the confidence that:

– All previous data has been deleted
– All repairs, cleaning and tests have been carried out
– All installed Microsoft® software is authentic, including Windows®.

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